Monday, October 11, 2010

Second Edition debuts in Nashville

Many thanks to ArcheBooks Publishing for releasing the second edition of A Chance to Say Yes, 2010. Thanks, also, to the Nashville Writers Meet-Up for debuting the book at the Southern Festival of Books in Nashville this past weekend. For those who need to know, my web site is The book is available in hardcover and on Kindle at The book video site on You Tube is The sequel, A Wild Dream of Love, has been completed. Yay! More news on that as it develops.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

My FIrst Virtual Book Tour, August, 2010

Yes, I'm on a virtual book tour with Paula Deen and other fine authors! While working to finish A Wild Dream of Love, I am celebrating the release of the second edition of A Chance to Say Yes. Please join me for my first virtual book tour. Here is my officail tour page: .Here is my schedule: > Book Reviewers for A Chance to Say Yes Virtual Book Tour, August, 2010 > (Blog 1) > > August 2nd interview, > August 3rd review (Blog 2) Blog name: Paperback Writer > (Blog 3) > Blog Name: Acting Balanced > > August 11, 2010 >(Blog 4) > > 8/12/10 > (Blog 5) > Blog Name: Reading At The Beach > > 8/13/10 > Also, please visit on 8/4/2010 to see an additional interview. Thanks to the particpating blogger-reviewers Hilary Shepherd, Heather Smith, > Janet Ruth Hovis, Marissa Oachs, and Vicki Newell and their readers. Thanks, also, to Rebecca Camarena at I hope you can join us on the tour. Tina

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Book One Review; Book Two in the Works

Hello, Here is a recent review of A Chance to Say Yes. Thanks to Trish Stevens of Ascot Media Group, Inc.,for the heads up. Special thanks to the paper, The Cherokee Connection, in the Atlanta metro area. -celebrity-go.shtml Oh, and here's today's fortune cookie lunch: "It is nice to be important, but it is important to be nice." Book Two, A Wild Dream of Love, is in the works...I hope you enjoy reading it. Tina

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Chance to Say Yes: Book Trailer and 2nd Edition

I am pleased and excited to announce the creation of a book trailer for my first novel A Chance to Say Yes. It was created by John Weaver of Here's the link to view the book trailer. (It's short; why not give it a whirl?) share the link with others. It is posted on my Web site at, also. The other excellent news is that my publisher is releasing a second edition of A Chance to Say Yes. I will be doing a virtual book tour to announce this fact later this summer. Needless to say, I am heartsick over the gushing oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. I hope and pray that the flow can be stopped.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Los Angeles Times Book Festival, April 24, 2010

I am scheduled to sign copies of A Chance to Say Yes at the Authors Den booth at the LA Times Book Festival on Saturday, April 24, 2010, 10-11 a.m. Hope to see you there! The book fair will be held on the UCLA Campus. Many thanks to my gracious hosts at Downing-Frye Realty on Fifth Avenue in Naples, Florida. They hosted my book signing at the Naples Press Club's annual book festival. Thanks for the turnout,too,friends and readers (the same thing!).

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Chance to Say Yes is now available on KINDLE

GUESSS WHAT???!!! My novel A Chance to Say Yes is now available for purchase on Amazon's Kindle, the new electronic reader. You can view my book's page at by clicking this link: This is an exciting development. If you own a Kindle--or plan to purchase one--please check it out. Also, please mention this to the Kindle owners you know. A Chance to Say Yes sells for $9.99 on Kindle, a considerable savings from the hardback edition. Happy reading!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Curves and Arc-Angels

Hello, thanks for checking in. First of all, I'd like to thank Annette Stillman, owner of The Beach Book Nook in Fort Myers Beach, Florida, who hosted my most recent book signing. Greetubgs to all the nice readers I met there. Also, I want to thank the ladies at Curves in Naples, Florida, who have been and so very supportive of me and my novel A Chance to Say Yes, especially Trainer Krista and Owner Gail. On another note, I want to let everyone know that I, along with fellow ArcheBooks authors Sara Williams, Sand Lender, and Jane Sutton, will have a booth at the Southwest Florida Women's Expo in Northport, Florida, on Feb. 20, 2010. We will be selling and signing copies of our novels. Sara Williams writes mysteries set in Hawaii and Florida. Sandy Lender writes fantasies. Jane Sutton writes contemporary fiction. (Jane may not be able to attend the Expo, but we will have books of hers for purchase.) Sara, Sandy, Jane, and I are calling ourselves The Arc-Angels. I invite you to come to out and experience the Women's Expo, which should be a dynamite event. I hope to see you there. By the way, I am eliminating Anonymous posts to my blog because some people have been leaving inappropriate comments on my blog. Smle of the Day: I recently subscribed to a free newsletter called The Writers' Alliance, which is put out writer Garrison Keillor (I'll have to check the spelling of his last name!) of Praire Home Companion fame. It's a daily newsletter that offers information and insight into the lives of well-known writers, past and present. Please google it if you're interested in writers and writing. FORTUNE COOKIE LUNCH:The issue isn't what you're saying. Mostly, it's the way.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Book Signing Tomorrow at The Beach Book Nook

Please drop by The Beach Book Nook tomorrow, Saturday, January 30, 2010, between 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The address is 7205 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, Florida. I'll be doing a book signing there. It's a great little shop with a very nice owner, Annette. I hope to see you there and sign your new copy of my novel A Chance to Say Yes. Next Saturday, February 6, 2010, I will be in downtown Fort Myers for the Art Walk. I'll be sharing a table with mystery author Sara Williams, I have a ton of things lined up. I'll post them as i can. Have a good one! SMILE OF THE DAY: Recently, a man said to me, "If I was as pretty as you, I'd be smiling all the time." Well, you'd better believe his comment DID make me smile! Fortune Cookie Lunch: He who climbs the tall tree has the right to the fruit.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year, 2010

I am thankful to have made it through the Noughties, as the British say, and into Twenty Ten. I hope you, too, have a rosy outlook and hope for a better tomorrow. Obviously, I have not been blogging every day, as I had hoped I would. A lot is happening, however, which is the main reason I can't keep up with blogging. Yeah, yeah, blah, blah...Actually, I am very involved in completing my current novel A Wild Dream of Love, the sequel to A Chance to Say Yes, my first novel, which I am still actively promoting, by the way. I have several book signing events scheduled for this winter and spring. As I get the info together, I will post the whens and wheres. For example, I'll be signing at The Book Nook on Fort Myers Beach, Florida on January 23, 2010. Among other events, I also will be signing copies of my novel A Chance to Say Yes at the Southwest Florida Women's Expo in Northport, Florida, February 20, 2010. I'm taking a booth there with fellow ArcheBooks authors Sara Williams, Sandy Lender, and Jane Sutton. We are billing ourselves as The Arc-Angels. (Get it?) We're going to do readings from our books! Too much fun! Okay, wait, I need more details before I can mention more signings! Please stay tuned for further blog posts. Smile of the Day: Today I spoke by phone to one of my old grad school apartment-mates who lives in Spain. Her daughter found me on FaceBook and set up the phone call between me and her mother as a King's Day gift for her mom. What a lovely daughter! What a thoughtful thing to do! It was a nice holiday treat for me, too. I enjoyed catching up with my old friend from U Miami days. Fortune Cookie Lunch: Your power is in your ability to decide.